Die Hard 4.0 is the latest installment to the Die Hard franchise, and stars Bruce Willis in his recurring role as Officer John McClane, the smooth talking police officer. In this installment, John has to stop a new bad guy from doing some serious damage to world, like usual. The only difference? his time, the bad guy is hacking the worlds computers to attempt to complete his task.
The trailer starts with the male antagonists voice, which is common for films like this. What is uncommon is the fact that the antagonists face is shown right at the start of the trailer. This could be suppose to signify the antagonists lack of fear, and he doesn't want to hide his face- He wants everyone to know who he is.
What we can also see from the trailer about the antagonist, asides from his apparent lack of fear, is that he is male and seemingly rich or at least definitely not poor. This is stereotypical again in these movies, as the antagonist is normally a rich and powerful male.
Now for the protagonist, John McClane. John has become a well known character thanks to his previous three films, so fans know by now he is a humorous, cocky character, who like the antagonist fears nothing, even jumping onto a Jet Plane to try and get the pilot. This shows he is devoted too, and this point is also proved true when he puts himself in harms way to try and save his daughter. He also has is catchphrase, one that is well know the world over- "Yipi-kayay, motherf****r!". One similarity between him and his enemy for this film is they are both determined- The antagonist is determined that he is doing america a favor, and John is determined to stop him. Also, John seems more middle class whereas the antagonist (as stated before), seems to be rich. This could show an overthrowing of the upper class (as John does defeat the antagonist at the end of the film). Also, after the main antagonists opening speech, it shows John walking through a door in slow motion. This shows he is the main character, as he gets his own intro right after the antagonists. Finally, he is a very old-school character. For example, he refers to the nerds 'Command Centre' as a basement, showing his thoughts on what is a technically superior location.
There is another antagonist, but the difference is that this one's female. She is only seen a few times in the trailer, but the main time she is seen is when she has just been defeated by John, who is seen running her down in a car. This is odd, as in the actual movie she was just beating up John with kung-fu fighting moments before, but the trailer doesn't show this, only her when she's defeated. This could be to show her as weak, like all women should be, despite the fact that earlier in the trailer she is seen stepping off a helicopter with authority. The trailer also shows her using a laptop to download something, which implies she is given authority. however, this authority would have been given by the male antagonist, so she is still really just a pawn to the antagonist.
The daughter, Lucy McClane, is a little more stereotypically 'woman' for these films, as she is kidnapped by the male antagonist during the course of the film. This shows females weaknesses (John doesn't ever get kidnapped), and that the female rely on the burly male to save them.
The soundtrack throughout is quite loud but fits the scenes well. At one point, it shows John killing several people in different scenes, and the soundtrack makes the scene seem normal for the character, perhaps implying the film will be similar again.
This is perhaps more of a side-note, but both the antagonist and protagonist hold the phones they're using in an odd way. They don't seem to care about it either, which could reflect on their personality, that they also don't care.
The quote "Is your country willing to pay?" is also very serious, and reflects the antagonists thoughts on what he is doing. He also says that he's "doing America a favor." Again this shows his seriousness, and perhaps means that he is a man you shouldn't take lightly, and that this antagonist McClane is going against could be his toughest yet.
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