Sunday, 16 September 2012

Here's the next image that I analysed. It is the pretty well known Gorilla from the Cadbury's advert, who's Phil Collins drumming has become a bit of a hit on media websites like YouTube. I will be analysing this one like I analysed the Lynx poster, and also
Cadbury's famous Gorilla
First thing to note is that the gorilla isn't exactly ordinary. It is playing the drumming role of the Phil Collins song 'In The Air Tonight', which is very out of the ordinary. The choice of song is important, as it's drum beat and lyrics are ones that a lot of people know, so they can relate to it. Also, it is a very catchy song, meaning people will remember the advert better. This makes it most likely that Cadbury's thought about the song choice very carefully, and chose one that would stick with people for a while. Also, the song itself isn't exactly normal, in both lyrics and the fact it isn't (nowadays) a song that is played very often. 

The advert deviates from the normal for the very obvious reason that it is a monkey playing the drums- definitely not normal. This idea suggests the chocolate is out of the ordinary too, but in a good way (like how good the gorilla can play the drums). The target audience for this advert would of course be any chocolate lovers out there, or any fans of Cadbury's. 

My homework for this week was to research Marxism and Feminism, which I did and got the definitions for each one:
Feminism- When women have equal rights in all aspects of life to men. 
Marxism- When is treated with social equality (like communism).
We then did more work on the two in class, which involved taking notes on both of them, which can be read below:

  • Karl Marx- Ideologies (Communist future, classless societies, pure equality)
  • Class systems (Economical/political)
  • Ruling classes (Workers)
  • Alienation and exploration of working class (Revolt, Revolution)
  • Vulnerability
  • Historical- Patriarchy
  • Equality
  • Specific
  • Gender equality
Finally for this post, here are some definitions I wrote down:

Inference- Reach a conclusion by working things out.
Deduction- Reach a conclusion by reasoning from something known. 
Thriller- A book, film or play depicting crime, mystery or espionage in an atmosphere of excitement or suspense. 
Representation- All representations have ideologies behind them (Levi-Strauss, 1956). To be meaningful, representation needs to be shared. Recognition of people, situation, ideas etc. 

That's this post done, my next one will be mainly about feminism. Before I go, I've included a link to the Cadbury's gorilla advert, incase you (somehow) haven't seen it yet. Enjoy!

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